Sponsors for Ontario Bee Rescue

When chakra-chic.com was formed in 2018, our mission was not only to help as many people as possible in their wellness journey, but also to give something back to the planet. So we began looking into worthwhile causes.

We decided Meadowlily Farm, one of a collective of over 100 volunteer beekeepers that form Ontario Bee Rescue was a very worthwhile cause to sponsor!

Introducing the BEE TEAM at Meadowlily Farm: Bruce Richardson & Joanne Crockett! In their own words:

"We are Beekeepers, Guardians of Nature, and homesteaders. We run Ontario Bee Rescue and a duck refuge for wayward, injured and homeless ducks. We love working with nature and helping people.

Our Motto is: The more you help people - the better life gets!

Together we enjoy sharing our love of nature and homesteading with people all over the world."

This aligned very much with how we feel, and when we partnered with Cannanda 3D Medicine to make their CB2™️ Salve it also resonated with them! We are thrilled that they generously matched our pledge to support OBR and now we give a portion of the proceeds from each tin sold to Meadowlily Farm!

On Thanksgiving Monday 2021 we had a the pleasure of meeting Bruce and Joanne in person, strolling their peaceful acres, and seeing all they do for both the bees and the ducks! And presenting them with a "big cheque" for $1,150, the first of many to come! Our way of giving thanks for all our blessings and paying them forward.

         So know that when you buy our Cannanda CB2™️ Salve, you are not only helping yourself, you are also helping the ducks and the bees and the planet!

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