Open Wide Inside Essential Oil Blend for the 6th Chakra 10ml


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Open Wide Inside Essential Oil Blend for the 6th Chakra – Third Eye

Colour: Indigo

Location: The centre of your forehead, just above the eyebrows

Associated with: inner vision, intuition and wisdom

The Third Eye Chakra is the key to our inner self, our spirituality. It is associated with spiritual growth, inner transformation, questioning, perceiving, inner guidance and knowing. Dreams for this life and past-life recollections are located here.

If this Chakra is blocked, it can result in depression, mental rigidity, lack of foresight, ‘selective’ memory and lack of inspiration.

When this Chakra is open, our intuition brings us a clearer vision of our meaning and life path. We are able to fully access our intuition, inspiration, conceptualization, and imagination. leading to supporting greater spiritual transformation and development.

Ingredients: Love and Light, Crystal and Reiki energy, Amethyst, Hawaiian Sandalwood, Amber, Clary Sage, Spruce, Western Hemlock, Blue Tansy, Grapefruit and organic Jojoba oil. Not recommended for use with children.

Promote deep meditation, connection to your inner wisdom, inspiration, creativity and clarity of thought when you use Open Wide Inside. It also promotes a deeper sense of self-awareness, introspection and the ability to see a situation clearly. You can wear it as a perfume, in aromatherapy jewelry or massage in a clockwise motion directly on the Third Eye Chakra (facial skin is generally more sensitive so always do a test first).
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